Monday, March 15, 2010

THis LIst

I have this list. And it is ideas that randomly pop up in my brain.
 And there are a lot of thing on this list; But I've noticed, since I
have been doing my experiment, that I will add a lot more at a
time when I've had less booze.

So, that settles that.

So long drunken drunkard... hello semi-responsible/ good work ethic dude.

Somebody had a suspicion that it would turn out like this. That suspicious person was Art Self. He is the mastermind of creativity and hard-work-atude. He is the SOB that gets on my case when I slack. Like a rubber band; If I lax for too long, the rubber band pulls back and keeps pulling until I get my ass to work. Then POW!!! the rubber band releases all of these ideas at once. And I have to try to catch and decipher all ideas, and write/create them instantly. Or lose them forever.

"Oh I'll remember/ I do that tomorrow" That bastard is gone.

oh, and not that it matters, but my website will be down until probably next week. (lame)

1 comment:

  1. I'm also hoping I will be able to change the "sometimes" in my haiku.
