Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Apparently failing at posting, and failing at production go hand in hand.

All I want to do is get my ass to the studio for and extended amount of time; is this too much to ask? I think not.
I'll crank up the tunes and bust out some of this build-up. I am very Fucking frustrated right now.

I can barely type...


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Happy Accidents

I had a happy accident last night.

I'm not sure if I will pursue this type of painting in the future, or not. I took a pic... and probably won't post it, I don't know.

I'm looking forward to getting back to my studio tomorrow. Tonight I had some stuff to take care of.

Oh! And I have my website working again. HOORAY. Updated with a new pic of me while working.

Monday, March 15, 2010

THis LIst

I have this list. And it is ideas that randomly pop up in my brain.
 And there are a lot of thing on this list; But I've noticed, since I
have been doing my experiment, that I will add a lot more at a
time when I've had less booze.

So, that settles that.

So long drunken drunkard... hello semi-responsible/ good work ethic dude.

Somebody had a suspicion that it would turn out like this. That suspicious person was Art Self. He is the mastermind of creativity and hard-work-atude. He is the SOB that gets on my case when I slack. Like a rubber band; If I lax for too long, the rubber band pulls back and keeps pulling until I get my ass to work. Then POW!!! the rubber band releases all of these ideas at once. And I have to try to catch and decipher all ideas, and write/create them instantly. Or lose them forever.

"Oh I'll remember/ I do that tomorrow" That bastard is gone.

oh, and not that it matters, but my website will be down until probably next week. (lame)

Monday, March 8, 2010

All these delays

Sometimes, all I want to do is get work done on my paintings. And sometimes, the Olympics ruin my plans.
Also, I will be conducting an experiment.

When I drink, I think I have less creative ambition. I will be conducting an experiment over the next few months. I want to try and limit myself to one drink or less... and see if I get to my studio more.

I need more time in my studio, since soccer has started and I will be busy 2 nights a week. Granted, these aren't long times of busy, but I wonder how much it will impact my productivity--like the Olympics sure did. It was the "Costas Effect: When a hairpiece looks so bad, it takes away desire for beauty."

And this weekend. I wanted to paint, but felt ill, so I had to delay my studio time until tonight. I neeeeeeeed to get to work tonight. I'm looking forward to getting my studies on my canvas.