Monday, February 14, 2011

Feeling a little Gene-y

Working hard.
Feeling a little like Gene Pitney...
It's a bummer about this weekend; had plans that fell through... then I didn't even have the capacity to get any work done. I think I helped make up for that tonight.

A lot of work still to get done, must get crackin'! instead of typing away.

CHeers. Send Stella Artois.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Saturday Night

3.5 hours of solid work.
Feels good.

After a bowling tournament today. (Many beers. Not many marks.) Oh well; our team placed 10 out of 32. We won it last year... just spreadin' tha'love.

I wanted to work most of the day, and was really looking forward to tonight. Hopefully I can get some more time tomorrow, but that's gonna be tough. Wife is sick, boys will be boys and the Superbowl (meh). I hope it's either a great game, or a blow-out. None of this mediocre playing... boring everyone.

And I don't really care about commercials.  What ever.


Monday, January 24, 2011


Ho munday(ne).

Relaxing this evening. Finished some prep on a few things. Studies and ideas flowed... was able to pastel them out. Somebody (not me)'s gonna have to search themselves and really take a good look in the mirror when I'm finished with one of the projects I've got stewing.

Speaking of which. I have some vintage newspapers on the way.... SOF UCK ING EXC ITE D!! to get them. I have already a great idea of utilizing them.


Saturday, January 22, 2011


Of course I'm vain, I'm ... provocative? interesting? conceited?


I paint pictures of myself for a few reasons. I hold still longer. I'm always around. I like the music I listen to when I work... same-old same-old.

I'm fairly excited to get to work tomorrow. I plan to use the early morning to prep, eat and whatnot; THEN after lunch: Feverish-Frantic-Fantastical painting. I just hope my brushes are getting a good nights rest. I'm gonna work 'em hard tomorrow.

Oh, and thank you to Dick Blick for getting me the tube of paint... a week-and-a-half later than everything else. I just figured I was crazy, didn't really order it; I had resigned to the thought that I was LOSING MY FUCKING MIND!
So, thanks again for restoring my sanity.
Oh. and Mr.J.C. We need to have some White Russians some night while I paint you. If anyone see's this, they should tell you the plan. You know the wives are down for that.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

finally... this thing does what I say

Hooray for a little free time. I was able to get the site up last night, and it's working.

I have a couple more feeds I would like to connect, and a few other odds-and-ends to tie up; otherwise, HOORAY!

One less headache. studio shot up by the end of week.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


I've spent far too much time trying to make my website work how I want it to. So, I said Fuck It.

I am making it so I will have my blog feed into my website (that is working properly) and will update the site like a blog--only with work instead of explanations... maybe.

I neeeeeed to get into the studio instead of looking at code-line after code-line; trying to figure out where the hell my error is.

Dear HTML. 
Suck it.

If I get everything working tonight, I will put it up. Otherwise it'll be this week.

And I have listened to Fame Monster tonight while 'coding', and remember how good it is. Thx Gaga.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Cure the Cure

I read this last week.

I have been stewing, and preparing some works to combat this. This is some Bullshit. I hope everyone who gave a few $$ feels good about the money going to corporate lawyers.

THAT is how to find a Cure.

I must say: Susan G Komen Foundation, you will never get another penny from me. Any product that supports you, will get no support from me.
Don't misunderstand, I hope cancer gets cured; But I know lawyers can't do it.

Works on this vein to be posted soon.
CURE the Curing Curers at the CURE Foundation so they can't CURE anyone else.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Ho man

Getting work done... ho man! Multiple canvi' drying, waiting for me to finish 'em up.

Good way to keep the new year rolling.


Sunday, January 2, 2011

D-u-n-g DONE

FINALLY! web site is finished(ish)

I will upload it in the AM. Looks pretty good, now I need to get all my images on there... whatever.

I mostly just want to get my ass back to my studio. This coding shit is Boring me out.

Happy New Year. Here's to production.