Saturday, July 18, 2009

First Masterwork

Last night I began work on the piece that will define the next stage of my art.

I am planning for it to be done by the end of the summer/ beginning of fall.

I don't think I'll post any photos until it is finished. I am excited about how the first hours went, and can't wait to continue working tonight.

Today is supposed to be the hottest day of the year, so far; it's supposed to be 103°f. Joyous-Joy. I don't think I'll go to my studio until it starts to cool of a little. I know I'm being kind of a sissy, but I don't have AC in there, and I have to watch Son#1.

For now I'll just continue to hydrate, and look longingly at the paint staining on my hands and under my thumb nail.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Wanting to Work

Family visits are great, except they suck the life from me.

Don't get me wrong, I like hanging out with family. I don't even mind when they come over for a few days, it's great. I am just unable to combine all my creativity and motivation at the same time. Or if I do, it seems that something else is more pressing.

Now that all our guests are gone, I will spend the next few days regaining my artistic strength to begin work on my giant canvas.

For now, I have some drawings to do.