Sunday, October 17, 2010

Holy crap... Crap [emphasis]

Fuck! Yes, fuck.

How lazy/unmotivated have I been...? Not as much as it seems. I have been getting some work done, just not an amount that I am satisfied with; Fuck-around time is over.
I have completely delved into my site redesign, and am trying to get everything in order for some serious shit that have stumbled upon the other day. I think, of course, that adding this new idea to my ever expanding idea pool is ultimately going to turn out for the best. I had a solitary focus on separate pieces of the human anatomy, but something is happening.

My music tastes have changed. My food tastes have changed. My attitude in general has changed. Something happened to me over this summer.

I was semi-lazy, and I'm not very happy about that. Fuck, I might have just not had the motivation... but I don't know. I always think of my studio in the best possible light and situation, but I've been frustrated lately when I'm Entering it. (I can't have that) I have to drop my stresses. I've had some great ideas for "happier" works, but it's hard to make the pie smile when all I want to do is make the smile broken.
I updated the photo on my site tonight. I also gave myself a deadline of December for the redesign. I know it's possible, I just need to work on it; and not play so many fucking video games.
Originally I had "I'm so happy." in the circle of the face; but I changed it to the more descriptive, and truthful, ";!"

I have been painting on photographs. FANTASTIC. The results, so far have been outstanding. I am able to manipulate with many different materials, to alter the meaning or subtle direction of the photo.
I also have a couple pictures that Mel took of the boys that I want to paint. [I wonder if that is the proper sentence structure of that sentence? I'm tired and listening to music... maybe I could take out "that"... whatever.]

I hope to get back to my (I think I said 2-3) posts per week. I need to keep myself motivated. 

I have so much to say...
I'm skipping NaNoWriMo; I feel it would just be another way for me to waste some time.
But, I'm gonna be learning EspaƱol.

Here's the pic.

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